Thursday 10 May 2018

National Employment service proposal

What does everyone think about the creation of a National Employment service? Seriously this idea came up in my head this morning. So what I propose is a scheme that will guarantee employment to the employed. In this scheme, the state will pay £12 an hour to anyone over the age of 16 who is unemployed. The aim of it is to give people who an unemployed a purpose in society... but its optional of course. So what is it? Its were local authorities and non-profit organisations to provide small jobs in the local community. Such as litter picking or volunteering to help in local charity events. The main benefit of this is that it will engage people in the local community and keep people away from committing a crime while providing them with a guaranteed income without the threat of sanctions. Furthermore, This scheme would rebuild community spirit across the nation. It gets people out and about rather than doing nothing all day, It could be a learning experience that could teach a lot of people about society. Of course, the big questions about this is, how do we fund it? Will it discourage people to go in actual work?

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Its a Myth the EU is left wing

It's a myth that the EU is left wing. Firstly the EU is locked into a Neo-Liberal ideology that it can't get out of. For decades organisations like the EU have pushed Neo-Liberal free trade on the populations of Europe. Much of the rules and regulations of the EU limit the actions of a left-wing Government to intervene in Industry. Take the EU state aid laws for instance that prevent us from that prevent us from investing in certain industries. Another Question you may ask yourself what respect the EU has for the left? Well, we can look at Greece when the EU ignored the Greek referendum on the draconian bailout deal that they forced the hard left Greek government to implement it and its terms. We could go Further on and discuss the Negotiation of the Trans Atlantic Trade Partnership behind our backs which would have threatened our own NHS to further privatisation. If you desire I can go on further. But ask your self this why do we need a Political Union to be prosperous? Do you need a foreign power to rule over us? Do you really want a United States of Europe?

Image result for tony benn the eu is the only country with a constitution committed to capitalism